Brief Encounter of the Real Kind

There are people we meet in life who make a lasting impression on us, teach us things and act as future role models. They may be teachers, colleagues friends and even strangers. I suspect that they will probably never know the positive difference they made – that’s a pity. This is the story of the […]
Good Morning – Pages

I have a feeling that this may be a long post or post that becomes a series of posts because that’s what happens when I am inspired. Hearing words I recently attended a Hay House event, the Writer’s Workshop, in Bristol, UK. One of my main reasons to attend was because it was an opportunity […]
Different Kinds of Courage
As I shared in a previous ‘thought‘, I love BBC radio. One of my favourite programmes is Desert Island Discs, where each week a guest ‘castaway’ is interviewed about their life by the wonderfully. talented Kirsty Young. They are asked to choose eight records that they would take if they were cast away on a […]
Lessons from Eddie Izzard
My recent conversion I have recently converted to idea of listening to audio books. I’ve dabbled in listening to audio podcasts but never audio books before. I decided to read something that wasn’t in the category ‘Positive Psychology’, which is what I usually read but, now for something completely different (as Monty Python would say […]